Empowering students to access, discover, and achieve
The Academic Achievement Center (AAC) is the largest center of student academic services on campus. Centrally located on the ground floor of Maxwell Library, the AAC provides quality academic support and resources. The AAC is a welcoming environment that delivers comprehensive student-centered services, empowering those we serve to explore and develop academic, personal, and self-advocacy skills. Contact us today! We look forward to supporting you and your goals.

AAC Advising assists students with academic, personal, and career goals for first semester freshmen, Undecided students, and the Ascend Program. Advisors mentor students to take ownership of their education through planning, problem solving, connection to resources, and self-advocacy.

Learning Assistance consists of Tutoring and Academic Coaching programs. Our trained learning assistance staff is available to support students’ academic success throughout their BSU careers.

BSU is committed to ensuring all individuals have equal access to its programs, services, and community. Any student who may experience a barrier to full participation in courses or other aspects of their University experience related to a documented disability is encouraged to collaborate with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to explore what accommodations or other services they may be eligible for.

Testing Services provides test candidates with undergraduate, graduate, professional licensure, placement, and remotely proctored exams year-round. We are an active member of the National College Testing Association (NCTA).

Our Transfer Services team will make every effort to streamline the process for incoming transfer students, and get you settled in as a member of our community. At our dedicated Transfer Center, we’ll work with you to figure out how to transfer credits, which major to pursue and which courses to take next.